Thursday, May 15, 2014

Along the Right-of-Way

This is in remembrance of good times, long walks, and long talks with my grandfather.
One day in particular, instead of waling on the street, we walked along the Southern Railway right-of-way. No cars bothered us. no signal lights stopped us. It was a hot summer day, as I recall.

16 November 1998

I remember those days of yesteryear,
When the skies were blue, and the air was clear;
And I would go outside and play
Along the right-of-way.

My Granpaw took me down to walk
To the bayou, where we'd fish and talk;
A lazy, long, hot summer's day
Along the right-of-way.

The bayou's murky depths profound
Held treasures known the world around!
But fish don't bite on a sunny day
Along the right of way.

He'd tell me of the things he did,
Way back, when he was a kid
Oh, the stuff he used to say
While on that right-of-way!

His whole life before me it unfurled,
And took me to a different world
In time and place, a bygone day
Along the right-of-way.

Then from behind us I would hear
A noisy freight train coming near.
I was just a kid that day
Along the right-of-way.

The rumble of the Diesel grew
Now louder, and the whistle blew,
And the train roared past without delay
Along the right-of-way.

My Granpaw is now dead and gone,
But the trains keep rolling on and on,
And gentle breezes make the flowers sway
Along the right-of-way.

Since then many things have passed,
And I'm an older man at last.
Oh, could I once more with Granpaw stray
Along the right-of-way!

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